It Takes a Village

I know I say this every year after my Open Studio, but I could never do this alone. There are always so many moving parts. This year felt more rushed since I repainted my studio and tried a new display system for my small panel paintings.

Here is the family crew, Bonnie, Jay, Laura and I. We sure do clean up well!

From previous years, you probably know our friend Maritza, who is an indispensable part of the team. Somehow she just knows what I need to do before I do! Maritza, I am grateful for your friendship and your ongoing support.

Here Maritza is with Bonnie putting the finishing touch on the dessert table.

And here’s Bonnie’s handiwork. If Bonnie ever wants a second career, I think there’s a place for her in the food world.

And a special thanks to my friend Eve, who spent hours here in the two days leading up to the event helping me velcro, label and arrange 60 panel paintings.

Eve and I were so busy that I didn’t even think of taking photos of her and the process, which would have been interesting for all of you to see. What a mess the dining room was! In fact, I would have liked to see the pics so we could all give ourselves a pat on the back for getting everything together in record time. Next year.

Until then.

Happy 75th, M&Ms!

Here’s a little painting that I had sketched for the January Challenge. It was just waiting patiently on its easel, crying out for me to finish it before this weekend’s Open Studio.

Happy 75th, M&Ms! by Beverly Shipko, Oil on wood panel, 5 x 7 inches

This painting turned into a commemorative painting marking M&M’s 75th birthday, and the special pack marking this milestone.

It took a few mistakes for me to internalize how much the package changed. At first, I didn’t realized that the logo color has been reversed. The M&Ms logo in the special pack is white instead of the standard brown.

Out of habit, I started painting the logo brown late last night. I was struggling and I didn’t know why. When I finally figured it out, I wiped off the brown. This morning I repaired the damage.

Happy 75th, M&M! makes me smile. I’m not exactly sure why. Do you?

Collage from 30/30 Challenge, 2017

At the end of the 30 Day Challenge, it’s traditional to make a collage of all your images. It’s an opportunity to look back and feel a sense of accomplishment for a job well done. It also brings a sense of closure.

This time around, I was determined to include all 30 paintings. Here’s what I came up with.

Assembling this collage took a lot more time than expected given I had done this before. There’s a learning curve to, as there is with any new software.

When I went back to previous collages (Collage of 30/30 Challenge PaintingsCollage from the 30/30 ChallengeMy January Personal Challenge Collage), I realized that none of them had 30 works in them. Either I didn’t make it to 30, or I left out a few in the interest of the overall design, as I did below with this 17 painting experiment.


To include all 30 paintings, I used a simple 5 x 6 grid of 30 squares, a basic format that was provided free online.

Every painting has equal weight and a square format, irregardless of the original painting format.

As I got used to the software, I came up with a collage that somewhat preserved the horizontal and square formats. Some of the images are larger at the expense of others. I thought this might be more artsy (artsy PicMonkey formats required payment so I had to build my own). Maybe it’s more cluttered. But it’s time for bed.

So I ask you: What’s your favorite version of the collage? That will give me a starting point for the future.

Thank you all for coming by, and for all your encouraging support and feedback during the Challenge. It’s much appreciated and kept me going strong throughout January. Every once in a while I got discouraged, and your reassurance helped me regain momentum – which I’ll now use to explore new avenues in 2017.