#tbt Holiday Newsletter

Sometimes I wonder why I bother going through old files before tossing them out. Finding this gem from 1994 reminds me why. This vintage edition of Holiday News is perfect for the last #tbt of 2015.

Holiday News, ©1994 Sloofman Press

Holiday News, ©1994 Sloofman Press

In my recent 1st Annual Online Holiday Newsletter, I mentioned that I hadn’t sent out a holiday newsletter for years. I thought that mine tended to be a rather dry laundry list of activities. In 1994, this was my attempt to liven things up using clip art during the pre-digital photography era, in a newspaper format that served me well during my first New York City job search. I printed this using my first computer and desktop printer.

21 years went by since I put this together. How quickly time passes and technology changes! Writing blogs on the worldwide web that were released to the immediate world was unthinkable – except perhaps to a select few like Steve Jobs.

Jay and I were relative newlyweds with 15 years of marriage under our belt. The girls were in elementary school and pre-K. Now Bonnie has come full circle and is back in elementary school – this time as a teacher. My artist career was in its infancy since we were still living in a small townhouse. I didn’t even have a place to paint.

I was ecstatic when the kids were finally old enough to go to my beloved museums, even if they were quick visits with the highlight being the gift shop.

I’m so happy I found this. It’s so easy to get caught up in daily living and forget to look at the big picture. Even when we try, sometimes we just don’t remember it quite right. I realize now that I didn’t give myself enough credit for my previous holiday newsletter efforts.

We all need to take a step back once in a while, and remember how far we’ve come and how much we have accomplished. Why don’t you do that right now? After all, it’s #tbt.