End of Week 1.

I want to take a moment to reflect back on the week’s hard work – which seemed particularly appropriate since we just celebrated Labor Day.

FullSizeRenderOften when I tell people about the Challenge, they ask why? Just recently, a good friend asked why I put myself through this. And if you read about my Day 7 Vending Machine endeavor, you realize the validity of the question.

The next time someone asks, I’ll simply show them this photo and tell them it’s a labor of love.

The Challenge is an opportunity to paint as much as I can, practice a skill that I always want to improve, and experiment with subjects that I wouldn’t ordinarily consider to uncover new directions, which was the case with my double-yolk egg series (Days 1430, and 31).  I’ll talk about the exuberant feeling I often get at the end of the day, a natural high just from the satisfaction of knowing I’ve accomplished the seemingly impossible in a few short hours.

In the last week, I already tried more things than I would have in 2 to 3 months working on larger canvases. The creative juices are flowing again, so much so that I have trouble sleeping with so many new creative ideas running around in my head. I keep pencil and paper near the bed to write everything down so I can sleep with confidence that I won’t lose any good concepts.

I am inspired and feel like I have recaptured the spirit of my own website tagline, “Take a bite out of life”. In the words of Marie Kondo, holding the paint brush sparks joy.

That’s more than enough incentive to eagerly move on to Week 2, and see what surprises are in store as I continue along this path. I hope you’ll join me.