Day 11 of the 30/30 Challenge – Sedona Painting

Here’s my first landscape painting of the challenge, Cathedral Rock in Sedona at sunset.

Day 11. "Cathedral Rock" by Beverly Shipko, Oil painting on cradled panel, 5 x 7 inches.

Day 11. “Cathedral Rock” by Beverly Shipko, Oil painting on cradled panel, 5 x 7 inches.

If you read my post from yesterday, you already know that the last time I painted a western landscape was 25 years ago. News flash: Rocky terrain isn’t any easier to paint today than back then. I must admit I thought it would be, but I was struggling with the color all day. When I tried working more red into the rocks while the paint was this wet, I lost the feeling of sunset. So I stuck with a more yellow/orange palatte.

Of all the paintings I have done so far in this challenge, this is the one that I really wanted more time for. Perhaps letting the painting dry completely and then adding a thin transparent reddish glaze would work well. But having said that, the painting might become overworked. On Day 8, I probably would have said the same thing about my box of donuts, but in the light of day I love it just the way it is. In fact, I think it’s one of my favorite paintings so far. I’ll have to take another in the morning.

Unlike yesterday’s square drawing, I decided to paint this Sedona landscape in a horizontal format so that Cathedral Rock would be more recognizable. Since I was surprised to the miss the square format which maybe feels more contemporary to me (less like a postcard), I might try painting another version using the square format. Maybe the second one will get easier and I can play with different reds. Any thoughts?

Now it’s time for dinner (thank you Bonnie!), and to think about tomorrow’s painting. The next time I do this challenge, I am going to take Jay’s advice and plan out 30 paintings in advance of Day 1 so I can relax in the evenings.

See you tomorrow!