• Cris, I just got home and looked at it again, and I think I will leave it alone. Time to get ready for tomorrow anyway. Thanks for the feedback.

  1. I love this Beverly!

    In the old day there was a vogue of bronzing baby shoes… kind of creepy, especially compared to the freshness of your image.

    Your painting captures the ephemeral preciousness of that time (for whichever daughter) and suggests her inevitable flight into the next pair. The shoelaces bring wings to my mind…. such a tender piece.

    • What a thoughtful response! I am so happy you like this piece. Your comments validate my own feelings about it (still a minority view in this household).

      I had forgotten about bronzing baby shoes. And now that you mention it, I see what you mean about the wings.

      It’s funny because the Van Gogh working shoes painting at the Met got me starting thinking about shoes. Surprising where I ended up, isn’t it?

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